October 21

Just wanted to thank all of you who participate. I know many of you are frustrated and I understand so take a break and re-watch some Farscape 😀

These projects take time. I wish we had a nod from Henson that they are pleased with our work or just a Hi Scapers! I know in the past we never knew how close we were to getting more Farscape until in 2010 Ben mentioned it at a Farscape Con breakfast. It was Sunday and the actors had been told the previous week to have their agents ready as soon as the funds were transferred. They were to get the money at noon on the Friday. The time came and went. The investors changed their minds at the last minute. No news may truly mean no news or it may not. Ben wants more Farscape and feels the time is right. He says Brian Henson also wants more. I tend to trust them. The way series work these days provide many more opportunities for projects and they can also be more complicated to get started. Both Ben Browder and Brian Henson have been in the industry for  3 decades and are quite savvy despite anything you may read on Facebook groups. So until I hear from either the project is dead with no hope of resuscitation I will keep it up. Do what you can when you can! Public groups/sites may get looked at on things like Facebook or Reddit but those making and breaking shows are on Twitter —- Deadline Hollywood for example has gained quite a voice the last few years so give them a shout asking about Farscape. Go to the streaming services and ask them to add Farscape back to their menus.

Sunday nights 7 pm ET/ 1900 London time is the weekly surge.

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