July 26

I have decided that no ad will be pursued at this time. Having heard from a reliable source Brian Henson is willing but investors needed. A show like Farscape takes millions for even a limited series which is what we would all like to see. Once the initial sets in place it is less expensive (relatively speaking!). This phase will require you to get word to writers that you want stories on Farscape — maybe on how it can be the next revival, that it first aired during a  year of disputed election , the time is right for this cult show to re-emerge— whatever YOU would like to read. Many sites like Collider , Deadline (favored by young Hollywood movers and shakers), IGN and many others. Find the TV people on your favorite site if you don’t already follow them on social media and email or Tweet them or Snapchat or Instagram or your choice! It is hard work! Search #Farscape or #farscapenow and retweet or reblog — make it part of your daily routine! We need to show investors we are here and interested. If we attract the attention of the streaming companies or even the SYFY channel (new leaders and seem to be interested in scifi again!) they can help find the money and work with Henson.

20 July

I got a few responses about participation. Kickstarter is great though somewhat unrealistic without matched funds like Veronica Mars had or the actors investing in a low overhead project like Con Man  Last episodes of Farscape cost over $2,000,000 USD each and sets etc already existed. To start up again would require a large amount even if they save money using tech over real sets like Santuary and Once Upon A Time employ. I am talking with some people to see about feasibility. As fans without studio participation we have no right to use the name to solicit funding. We can fund an ad to show Brian Henson our interest. Not sure what else without legal issues.

Keep up with the Twitter and tumblr discussions and hopefully we won’t have to resort to drinking Noranti’s urine as @zaxman51 has offered to do!!  #farscapenow !!

July 20

Ok Scapers a plan is being formulated to attract Brian Henson’s attention. Sadly as we all know money talks. I spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about an ad in their digital edition. The industry uses this daily to keep track of what is going on. Pricey as expected $15,000 for 7 days. Scaper artist SpriteLady of Ben Browder Network is working on ideas for t-shirt logo ( maybe other products). The cost would be either $20 or $25 with $10-$15 going to the ad cost. So 1000 to 1500 would need to be sold. This tactic was used in the Save Farscape campaign and the producers were impressed at fans putting their money where their mouths are so to speak. The print ad below cost $3,200 in 2002. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. In the event we go forward and do not meet the goal the funds will be donated to charity. Possibly just donations can be made as well. Still hashing it out! In the meantime keep tweeting, posting on Henson;s Facebook page or tumblr! This week and next bloggers and writers will be tied up with San Diego Comic Con so retweet and mention Farscape 😉 Don’t forget the #farscapenow !

July 19

This is a grassroots movement. I have consulted with two friends, both  have worked in studio/television marketing for many years. One for a major studio ,the other smaller more independent studios. One a Scaper and one known from another fandom. Their advice the same. Twitter is important. The writers/bloggers who cover TV and pop culture that ignite revivals and interest, or reflect people’s interest are there. We need to get their attention. Let them know people still are interested in Farscape. This next two weeks will be difficult as it is San Diego Comic Con and that will be the focus of their coverage. But also a great Twitter opportunity. Sign up if don’t have an account—-use your spam email account or create a new one and maybe your old screen name from back in the day or something new. Follow some of the people that @farscapenow follows to start. Tweet once or twice a week to start while you have your coffee or whatever starts your day. Search Farscape and retweet with the hashtag #farscapenow. Easy! Tweet a favorite Farscape picture. Tweet at the journalist/bloggers in reply to their tweets saying yea that is great but maybe bring back Farscape instead of more Full House 😉 Tweet especially to @hensonstudios that it is time for more #farscapenow ! It is free to join this movement , free to tweet just costs a few minutes of your week! Feel free to use your creativity. Using a unified hashtag suggests a movement so I would encourage that be #farscapenow .

July 3

Remember to send those postcards so Henson Company returns after the holiday to a full mail room!

Scaper Nora had a great idea to make the fan base more than names and handles. Make a short video or photo post telling briefly how you came to find Farscape and post it to the Henson Company Facebook page or Tweet it to them @HensonCompany or on Instagram ! Take a few minutes and don’t forget to add the #farscapenow