Spetember 12

The Dark Matter folks are doing a surge on Friday nights and many will be tagging us as well. We will be focusing our surge on Sunday nights at 7 ET/& London time. Continue to tweet/hashtag when you can as real life happens 🙂 Tag #DarkMatter when you can. They managed to trend last Friday night though they are in a different position than we are as it is far cheaper to pick up a show that is finishing production,still airing with sets intact. BUT making the voice of genre viewers heard helps us all. Again Twitter gets the notice— new users can tweet some of the awesome memes found on the various Farscape groups or by googling just add the hashtag #farscapenow or simply search Farscape or #farscapenow and retweet!

15 years ago a fellow Scaper and I got this ad published in The Hollywood Reporter:

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