20 July

I got a few responses about participation. Kickstarter is great though somewhat unrealistic without matched funds like Veronica Mars had or the actors investing in a low overhead project like Con Man  Last episodes of Farscape cost over $2,000,000 USD each and sets etc already existed. To start up again would require a large amount even if they save money using tech over real sets like Santuary and Once Upon A Time employ. I am talking with some people to see about feasibility. As fans without studio participation we have no right to use the name to solicit funding. We can fund an ad to show Brian Henson our interest. Not sure what else without legal issues.

Keep up with the Twitter and tumblr discussions and hopefully we won’t have to resort to drinking Noranti’s urine as @zaxman51 has offered to do!!  #farscapenow !!

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  • Kaaren Perry says:

    How would funding for an ad work if we can’t use the name of the show?

  • Ray S. Purnell says:

    Let’s keep fighting the fight!

  • raju gupta says:

    i think at the end of the day its about the corporate money takers, we have something that is tested and people want but they will always start a great project and finish it before its end. then look for something not tested to air new. i understand there logic but years after series of great new stuff not finished it gets boring. i would say air on something that cannot be copied downloaded or viewed free where you have control over figures. then look at figures. do not just judge

  • Michael says:

    There has never been another show that can copy Farscape or touch anyone as deeply as this show does so you would think with the recent successs of movies like guardians of the galaxy the networks would want this back I mean there has never been another show that caused you to care about its story and characters like this one still to this day Farscape has never been copy and with recent reboots you would think networks would be all over this since it was only show that did beat stargate in a poll