September 18

There is still no official news. I wish we had some public acknowledgement that our voices are being heard as you all do as well. I have to assume that the social media people of all the entities we are tagging have noticed and perhaps passed on our message. Word seems to be reaching more fans as new names show up weekly. Farscape fans are showing their creativity and those of us without any are retweeting them like mad! Special thanks to Sprite Lady,Paul and Pai for some great memes! Unsure how to Tweet ? Create and account and search #farscapenow and just retweet. Easypeasy! Or go to any genre websites you read and email that you want a Farscape feature or think the show deserves a revival.

Don’t want a revival? Go to Netflix and suggest they bring the show back for streaming. Give new fans a chance to discover the wonders.

I understand that many also do not want to get their hopes up. I have to hope that if we are given any public sign y’all might get involved 🙂

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